Is it possible to buy out the excess on a rental car?

Frits Pieper
17 Mar 2023

Renting a car is quick and easy to do these days. For example, you rent a car for your holiday or because your own car is temporarily at the garage for maintenance. The deductible is the amount that you have to pay if damage is caused to the rental car. The deductible can sometimes amount to hundreds of euros. Many people wonder whether it is possible to buy off the deductible for a rental car. In this blog we will go into this question in more detail.

What is the rental car deductible?

The deductible for a rental car is the amount that you as a renter must pay in case of damage to the rental car. You also pay a deductible in case of loss or theft of the rental car. The deductible is usually a fixed amount that is stated in the rental contract. The amount of this amount varies depending on the rental company and the type of car you rent. In some cases, the deductible can amount to more than a thousand euros.

Why is a deductible required when renting a car?

A car rental deductible is charged to protect the rental company from any costs incurred in the event of damage to, theft of, or loss of the rental car. It is a type of insurance that allows the rental company to cover the cost of repairs or replacement of the car. The deductible is a way to share the responsibility for paying for these costs between the renter and the rental company. It also encourages renters to be more careful when driving the rental car, as they are financially responsible for any damage caused during the rental period.

Car rental excess buyout

What damage is covered by the rental car deductible?

In short, if you cause damage to the rental car, you must pay for this partly or completely from the deductible. However, this does not apply to every damage:

  • Damage without your fault: When damage to your rental car is caused by another car and you cannot do anything about it, this is covered by the other party's car insurance. In this case, you do not have to pay any deductible.
  • Damage due to unknown cause: When it is unclear who caused the damage, this falls under the deductible of the driver of the car. After all, it is not possible for the car rental company to find out who the possible culprit of the damage is. What about the deductible in the case of multiple drivers? Read the answer in this blog.
  • Damage caused by yourself: If you cause damage to the rental car yourself, it is clear that the damage incurred will be deducted from the deductible of your car insurance. Read this article to find out how rental car insurance is arranged.

Is it possible to buy out the excess on a rental car?

Buying out the deductible is indeed possible when renting a car. However, this can differ per rental company and per country. In some cases, rental companies offer an option to buy out the deductible for an additional fee. In this case, you pay an additional amount to reduce the deductible or even buy it out completely. This can be a good option if you want to protect yourself against high costs in the event of damage. Always read the terms and conditions before renting, because you don't want to be faced with any surprises. If you would like to know more about renting a holiday car, read this blog.

Is it wise to buy out the excess when renting a car?

It is important to remember that the excess buyout is not always the best option. It can be quite expensive, and if you return the car without damage, you will have spent the extra money on the excess buyout for nothing. Furthermore, the excess can already be low with some rental companies, which means that the excess buyout is not really necessary.

Car rental excess buyout

Want to rent a car without any excess at Adrem?

If you decide to buy out the excess, it is important to read the rental company’s terms and conditions carefully. Read the fine print to make sure you understand what is and is not covered by buying out the excess. For example, certain damages may not be covered, or there may be limitations on the coverage of buying out the excess.

At Adrem Limburg the deductible for a passenger car is €1000. You can reduce this to €250 for an additional premium. The amount of this premium depends on the car segment you rent. Read this blog to find out which car segments there are. We do not rent a car and buy off the deductible completely. Our experience shows that a higher deductible results in careful driving behavior among our renters.


  1. Jos Heuts on March 17, 2023 at 11:28 pm

    Hello Madam/Sir,

    We have reserved a van, volume 3m3, for the transport of the instruments of the orchestra band Mixed Harmony Maastricht for two dates. We have done this without buying off the deductible.
    Can you tell us what the additional cost is for renting a particular van if we do buy out the deductible?

    • Frits Pieper on November 4, 2021 at 22:36 PM

      Dear Josh,
      The additional cost for reducing the deductible from €1250 to €350 is a premium of €15 per day.

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