All about the German environmental sticker

Frits Pieper
25 sep 2017

Are you going to Germany? In a growing number of cities and areas you will need an environmental sticker. This also applies to Aachen, just across the Limburg border. But what if you rent a car?

In order to improve air quality, so-called Umweltzones have been established in parts of Germany. You may only enter these zones if your vehicle has a valid environmental sticker. Umweltzones are mainly found in German city centres. With the sticker, the German government wants to combat air pollution and stimulate the use of public transport. The sticker, or Umweltplakette, also applies to cars with a foreign number plate.

Red, yellow and green

Depending on the emissions of your vehicle, you will receive a green, yellow or red sticker. The award is based on your license plate. Vehicles with a red sticker are not allowed in Umweltzones. With a yellow sticker, you will only have access to the city of Neu-Ulm. A blue sticker is also in the making, for electric vehicles.

Order environmental sticker

You can order the environmental sticker online via TÜV Netherlands. The cost for this is 16,95 euros. ANWB members pay € 13,95. You can also order the sticker in the ANWB shop (among others in Heerlen and Maastricht) and at most Dutch GWK offices. Don't forget to keep your registration certificate at hand.

You stick the sticker on the bottom right of the inside of the windshield. Seen from the outside, the sticker is on the bottom left. If you do not have a (properly applied) sticker, you could be fined Achtzig Euro (€80) - a multiple of the purchase price of the sticker. So do not take unnecessary risks and purchase the environmental sticker.

Rental car and environmental sticker

What if you want to enter an Umweltzone with your (Dutch) rental car? Feel free to reserve a car or van. We can indicate which license plate you will receive approximately one week in advance, so you can reserve by license plate. Usually, you do not need a license plate certificate to apply for an environmental sticker for a rental car. If you do, you can borrow the license plate certificate of the car in question from us. With the borrowed license plate certificate, you can then apply for your environmental sticker – well in advance. For more information, you can of course always contact us!

1 reaction

  1. NJ Travel on November 1, 2017 at 13:34 PM

    Request the environmental sticker for Germany easily and quickly online for only EUR 12,50 via Payments can be made via IDEAL.
    The sticker will be placed on your mailbox within 24 hours of your request so that you will receive it quickly!

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