Tips to defrost your car window

Frits Pieper
27 January 2017

With the winter seasons, many motorists face the challenge of frozen car windows and snowed in cars. There’s nothing more annoying than being late for work because you had to fight your way through a thick layer of ice on your car windows. Fortunately, there are some simple tips and tricks that will help you defrost your car windows efficiently, so you can get back on the road quickly and safely. In this blog, we’ll share these handy tips with you to get your car ice-free again.

How can a car window freeze?

Your car window freezes when two conditions are met: there is enough moisture in the air and the car window is cool enough. Without moisture, there can be no ice. A car window quickly reaches freezing temperature, because the metal and glass of the car cools down faster than the air around your car.

Do you need to scratch?

Clearing the ice from your car window is important because otherwise you can't see properly. You can't see other road users or the road. You can't see safe driving during the winter season, where it is already more dangerous to drive on the road due to slippery conditions. That is why the Dutch government fines people who drive with frozen or partially thawed car windows. Depending on how badly you scraped, the fine can be hundreds of euros. For partially or not thawed mirrors, another €180 is added.

defrost car window

Tips for defrosting car windows

How can you easily and quickly defrost your car windows? Follow these tips and you will be on your way in no time:

  • With a good scraper you can quickly defrost your car.
  • Use a defrosting spray, but be careful with the paint of your car. You only need to let this window defroster work for a short while. You can buy a car defroster cheaply, but you can also make a window defroster yourself by mixing one third water with two thirds rubbing alcohol.
  • Use a hair dryer and set it to medium heat. Move the hair dryer over the ice.
  • Do not start your car until it is free of ice.
  • If your car windows are fogging up from the inside, turn on the blowers and switch on the recirculation mode. Also let the defrosting take place by turning the heating to the hottest setting.

Do not defrost a car window with hot water!

You might say: why so difficult. A little warm water on that window and that's it. This is counterproductive. Due to the too great difference in temperature you ensure that your car window can crack. If you already have a small star in your window, then that chance is even greater.

Frozen inside your car?

With a lot of moisture in your car, it can sometimes happen that even the inside of your car is frozen. You can defrost the inside of your car window by turning on the heating. You can also use a window defroster for the inside of your car. To prevent moisture in your car, we have the following tips:

  • Remove damp clothing from your car promptly.
  • After walking through snow, knock off the snow before getting into the car.
  • Repair leaks in a timely manner.
  • Remove moisture from the air with your air conditioner.
  • Make sure your windows are clean: inside and out.
  • Collect the ice you need to scrape and throw it away outside the car.

Tips to prevent frozen car windows

Of course, you don't feel like clearing your car window of ice every morning. But how can you prevent your car windows from freezing? Here are some handy tips to prevent frozen car windows in the future:

  • Remove dirt from your windows, because moisture sticks to dirt.
  • In case of frost, place an anti-ice blanket over the windshield of your car. Purchasing it is an important point during preparing your car for winter.
  • Try to park indoors where possible or park under cover.
  • It is a myth that smearing toothpaste or potato on your car window does not work to prevent ice formation.
  • Do not use cardboard or newspaper as an anti-freeze blanket, as this will have the opposite effect.
  • Do not use salt or vinegar solutions as you will damage the paint and bodywork.
  • Preventatively defrost the side mirrors by tying a freezer bag around the mirrors.
  • Put your wipers in socks to prevent them from freezing. Or put a cork between the wipers.
  • Use a full car cover.

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