Chip shortage in car industry also affects car rental
We live in a time where there are dire shortages in all kinds of sectors. The housing market is under pressure because there is simply a shortage of homes, but several other industries are also struggling with black shortages. For example, we are currently also suffering from a chip shortage in the car industry. In this blog we will tell you more about the chip shortage in the car industry, the developments of 2022 and what consequences this has for car rental.
How did the chip shortage come about?
The corona crisis has had a major impact on various industries, including the automotive industry. There was a significant drop in demand for cars, which resulted in a drop in orders for cars. As a result of the crisis, car manufacturers had to significantly reduce production. This was of course a major blow to the industry. What did increase in demand were computers and mobile phones. Working from home became the new normal during the corona pandemic, which is why the demand for these devices increased. But the demand for game consoles also continued to increase, as people naturally wanted something to do during the lockdown. This caused car companies to fall behind. Computers, telephones and game consoles were given priority over the microchips that were produced. Eventually, the pandemic subsided and the demand for cars increased again, resulting in more cars being produced. However, the increase in production did result in a chip shortage in the automotive industry during 2022. The chips were used in large numbers for other devices.
Chip shortage in the car industry and car rental
Does the chip shortage in the car industry really have such a big impact on car rental? In principle, this is not too bad. What did have a big impact, is the corona crisis. Due to the lockdowns, no one went on the road anymore and there was little to no demand for rental cars. The pandemic has therefore had a big impact on our car rental company, but fortunately we are crawling back up and we see demand rising again.
Positive reporting
For about a year and a half, the automotive world has been dealing with a looming chip shortage for cars. However, according to the latest reports, the future looks bright again. Where the chip shortage made it difficult to build enough cars, car manufacturers now have more and more breathing space in this area. More microchips are available and the car industry is benefiting from this. The chip shortage for cars seems to be a thing of the past. But we are not there yet and the shortages in other industries are not over yet either. One thing is certain: the aftermath of corona is not over yet.
Want to know more about cars? Then read our blog about adjust car seating position, different tires front and rear, tips for driving with a trailer, an Recognize worn or broken timing belt or one of our other blogs on the website. A renting a car? Or a van of passenger bus? This can be done quickly and easily via Adrem. We are happy to help you!
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