The disabled parking card

Frits Pieper
27 dec 2018

Do you have a disability? Then you can get a disabled parking card or disabled parking card under certain conditions. With this you are allowed to park in the designated disabled parking spaces.

Parking in a disabled space without a valid card can result in a hefty fine. In 2019, you will have to pay no less than 380 euros if you park incorrectly in a disabled parking space.

Apply for a disabled parking card

You can apply for a disabled parking card in your own municipality. During a medical examination, a medical examiner will check whether you are eligible for such a card. The most important criterion is that you have not been able to walk 100 meters independently for at least six months. You are therefore not eligible for a disabled parking card if you are temporarily disabled.

Types of disabled parking cards

There are two types of disabled parking cards: a driver's card, for when you drive yourself, or a passenger card, if you are driven. In the latter case, you must need assistance from the driver from door to door. For people who are permanently confined to a wheelchair, there is the combined disabled parking card.


A disabled parking card is personal and not license plate-related. In principle, you can use the card in any vehicle and in all general disabled parking spaces. In addition to general disabled parking spaces, there are disabled parking spaces based on license plate. You may only park here with the vehicle with the license plate indicated on the sign under the P-sign.

Original or copy?

To prevent abuse, you should always use the original disabled card. A copy is not legally valid and you can end up with a fine. This can lead to problems in some situations. For example, when renting a car or van.

If you want to use general disabled parking spaces with your rental car or van, you must be in possession of the original disabled parking card. This means that you cannot leave your own vehicle in a general disabled parking space at that time, as the original is required for this.

There is currently no solution to this dilemma. Rent a passenger bus in Born? That's possible at Adrem!



  1. edison on May 17, 2019 at 22:13 AM

    good evening. i have a question. if i come to the netherlands on holiday is there somewhere where you can get a temporary disabled card, (of course for a fee) so you can park without problems

    • Frits Pieper on May 18, 2019 at 07:14 AM

      If you live in the EU, you can use the parking card of your municipality. I don't know if Dutch municipalities issue temporary parking cards, you have to go to a medical examiner first.

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