Buying a second-hand electric car: yes or no?

Frits Pieper
25 jun 2019

The popularity of electric cars has increased in recent years. As a result, more and more second-hand electric vehicles are also appearing on the used car market. This also brings the electric car within reach of a new target group, who cannot or do not want to pay the relatively high new price of an electric car.

Although a used electric vehicle may seem attractive at first glance – the price of a second-hand electric vehicle is roughly the same as the price of a comparable new petrol car – there are a number of things to consider when purchasing one.

Decreasing battery pack performance

There is of course a reason why second-hand electric cars are relatively cheap. Their depreciation is mainly due to the decreasing performance of the battery. The already limited range of a fully electric car decreases further during its lifespan. Anyone who wants to benefit from the advantages of electric driving will have to accept this disadvantage and recharge more often. In addition, the warranty period on the battery in an electric car expires within five or eight years, which makes the somewhat older electric used cars less attractive. After all, a new battery pack is an expensive joke, which makes replacing it in an older car practically pointless.

Range is increasing steadily

The distances that new electric cars can travel in one go are slowly increasing. When these vehicles become available as second-hand vehicles in five to ten years, the used market will take off. It is still questionable whether developments will be fast enough to achieve the objectives of the Climate Agreement.

Electric driving is cheaper than driving on fossil fuels and is of course good for the environment. This makes the relatively cheap second-hand electric car an attractive alternative to a new car on petrol or diesel. In addition, an electric car is cheaper to maintain and quieter than a 'normal' car. Plus electric cars have an enormous torque, which makes them accelerate smoothly.

Used car market has not yet taken off

The choice for an electric car is very personal. Although more and more people are considering buying an electric car – new or used – the majority still opts for an economical hybrid or petrol car. In addition to the limited range, the number of charging points in the Netherlands, although the highest in Europe, is a stumbling block. Electric driving only becomes really attractive with your own charging station [link to previous blog article] in front of your door, preferably linked to your solar panels.

Buying a used electric car? Pay attention!

If you are going to buy a second-hand electric car, it is important to make a good estimate of the condition of the battery. Mileage does not say everything in this case. The charging behaviour of the previous owner(s) has a major influence on the condition of the battery pack. For example, it is not good for the battery to charge it when it is still almost feelable. On the other hand, it is also bad to drive it almost completely empty before charging. Frequent fast charging also causes the condition of the battery to deteriorate.

Test drive

But how do you get a good idea of ​​the condition of the battery pack of the electric used car you have in mind? The best thing to do is to have the battery tested. But you can also get a pretty good idea of ​​the condition of the battery with a test drive. The best thing to do is to almost completely empty the battery, which is not that difficult given the limited range. Then charge the battery with a fast charger to see how quickly that goes. In any case, you don't have to buy a second-hand car to run in, like a new car.  

Are you considering buying an electric used car? Why or why not? Share your thoughts with our followers! A rent a van in the Echt region? Or a rent a moving van in the Sittard region? At Adrem Car Rental you have come to the right place!

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