Electric driving: the future is within reach
Where the Toyota Prius initially had a somewhat hippie image, that image is increasingly being adjusted. An energy-efficient car is no longer just for the environmental hippies among us. Thanks to clever marketing by the car manufacturers makes the image a change to hip, happening and even sexy. And that applies to all energy-efficient cars. From hybrid and plug-in hybrid to fully electric cars. Because that is where the future of mobility lies.
What is electric driving?
Most people will undoubtedly know this, but for the sake of completeness I will briefly tell you what electric driving now actually is. Where 'normal' cars drive on petrol or diesel, the electric car runs on electricity. You don't fill up at a gas station, but you literally plug your car into a wall socket. The electric motor and batteries are charged in this way, so you can get back on the road safely.
Benefits of electric driving
Of course it is main advantage of electric driving that the much, much better for the environment. With an electric motor, you no longer have CO2 emissions, which keeps the air cleaner. By using green, sustainable energy (such as solar energy and wind energy), we can continue to drive an electric car for the rest of our days. The fossil fuels that we use for traditional cars will eventually run out. The earth is becoming exhausted and that will not happen if we switch en masse to electric cars.
And what about the rest benefits:
- Electric cars are much stiller for a smooth driving experience
- Electric driving is very economical. You use much less energy per kilometer. Moreover, charging your car costs about €6 per charge, while a full tank now easily costs €60.
- Our small Netherlands is very suitable for electric driving. On average we drive 16,7 kilometers per trip. Due to the relatively short distances that we as Dutch people drive, the electric car is an excellent alternative.
What are the disadvantages then?
In addition to the advantages, there are of course also a number of disadvantages cons to electric driving. This mainly concerns practical matters.
- An electric car has a short range of approximately 150 to 200 kilometers.
After that, the car needs to be charged. So if you often drive longer distances, it is almost impossible to drive an electric car. A green alternative are the hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars. Although I have to say that the technology is developing more and more in this area, which ultimately only increases the range.
- Despite the fact that charging stations are popping up like mushrooms, it is still a search for a parking space where you can charge your car at the same time. And also a Charging station for your home can be a significant investment.
- And yes, it imago also plays a role. Although brands like Tesla and BMW are working hard to change that. The looks of the cars themselves are becoming more modern and sexy and through smart marketing young professionals are increasingly attracted to these green cars.
Does electric driving have a future?
Absolutely. I am convinced of that. Certainly when practical matters such as range and number of charging points improve in the coming years, electric driving will slowly but surely gain the upper hand. The advantages are already starting to outweigh the disadvantages, although not everyone is convinced of that yet. Should you immediately exchange your old car for an electric car? If you drive short distances and you want to make a positive contribution to the environment, then I would certainly consider it. But first get good information from the dealer. Preferably an independent dealer, so that you can make a good decision.
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The electric motor is not charged, only the battery.
Haha, that's right, indeed! Thanks for your sharp comment!