Where can you park for free or cheaply in Heerlen?

Frits Pieper
08 January 2024

Heerlen is a versatile city in South Limburg, which is mainly known for its many cultural events, such as Cultura Nova. Whether you want to visit the city for that reason or for work, shopping or relaxation, finding a cheap parking space can be a challenge. This is also the case in Valkenburg in Limburg. Are you also going to visit this tourist attraction on your trip through South Limburg? Then read here where you can park cheaply and for free in ValkenburgThis blog will delve deeper into the question: where can you park in Heerlen?

How much does parking cost in Heerlen city centre?

When you park on the street in Heerlen city centre, you have to pay approximately €1 per hour. Parking garages Maankwartier and the parking garage on the city side charge €2.00 per hour. The other Q-Parks in Heerlen charge a parking fee that is between €2.40 and €3.00 per hour. This is no different in parking garages in nearby cities. Read more about this here, for example parking in Sittard of parking in Roermond. 

Can you park for free in Heerlen?

There is no free parking in the city centre of Heerlen. However, are you going to the furniture boulevard in Heerlen for a day? There are plenty of free parking spaces in front of a large number of furniture shops. Despite the many free parking spaces, this is unfortunately a less attractive option if you are planning to go to the city centre. The furniture boulevard in Heerlen is located a half-hour walk from the centre and, with the exception of a local train, there is no bus to the centre. Parking at the Tax Office in Heerlen is not possible, unless you work for the Tax Authorities.

Cheap parking spaces in Heerlen

On the border of Nieuw Eyckholt and Looierstraat is a large parking lot where you can park all day for just one euro in Heerlen. This parking lot is located a few hundred meters from shopping center 't Loon and about a 12-minute walk from the center. The site is located along the N281 exit Heerlen-Centrum and is therefore easily accessible. There are enough parking spaces so you are almost always assured of a parking space.

Where can you park for free or cheaply in Heerlen?

Parking costs blue zone in Heerlen

The blue zones can be found in the Heerlen districts of Aarveld, Bekkerveld and Schaesbergerveld. You can park for free in the blue zones, but there are a few conditions attached. Firstly, you may park for a maximum of two hours in a blue zone. In addition, you must always leave a parking disc in your car. If you want to park longer in the blue zone, this is possible if you have requested an exemption from the municipality. The blue zones are valid until 18:00 during the week and on Saturdays. On Thursdays, the blue zone is valid until 21:00 due to the evening shopping.

Costs of a parking garage in Heerlen

The costs of the other parking garages in Heerlen can vary. In 2024, these are the current prices per hour:

  • Moon Square: €2.40
  • Q-Park 't Loon: €3.00
  • Q-Park Teleparking: €3.00
  • Q-Park Theater Heerlen Parking: €3.00
  • Q-Park Town Hall parking: €3.00
  • Q-Park Putgraaf: €3.00
  • Q-Park De Klomp: €3.00
  • Q-Park Corio Center: €3.00

Costs for parking at Heerlen station

When you travel to or from Heerlen by public transport, the P+R car park at the station is a perfect place to park cheaply in Heerlen. The site is closed off with barriers, accessible 24/7 and is located right next to the station. If you are a traveller, i.e. have an OV chip card or NS Business Card, a maximum daily rate of €4 applies. Would you rather rent a car to explore Heerlen instead of travelling by public transport? Read more about renting a passenger car in Heerlen here at Adrem Limburg.


  1. John Starosciak on July 13, 2019 at 11:37 PM

    Close to the centre of Heerlen you can park for free every day after 18:00 PM and during the weekend at the tax office car park at Kloosterweg 22 in Heerlen.

    • Frits Pieper on July 13, 2019 at 17:56 PM

      Thanks for the addition John!

    • Anita Burgers on March 26, 2023 at 09:35 pm

      Parking at the tax office is exclusively for staff. It is also clearly indicated.

  2. Ei on May 24, 2022 at 18:02 AM

    Great for the residents who are now at a disadvantage because of this information. Let their visitors sit on the roof. Let them park for free in front of your door.

  3. Co Egg on December 3, 2022 at 15:39 am

    Burggraafstraat popular place for people who park their car there all day. Own visitors or helpers etc. etc. can go to hell. As long as they have parked the car and for free. At least you keep something of what the boss pays for travel expenses.

  4. Nicole on June 12, 2023 at 10:14

    In the Diepenbrockstraat you can park for free. There is also a (small) free parking lot at the end of this street, where the Gouverneurstraat begins. It can be busy during the day. 10 min walk to 't Loon.

    • Frits Pieper on June 12, 2023 at 10:56

      Thank you for the great tip, Nicole!

      • Mehmet on May 24, 2024 at 15:33 AM

        I don't get a parking permit because I live in the city center, and the blue zones are semi-paid parking. What should I do now? I wanted to start working soon, but how demotivating is it if I have to cycle in the rain, on slippery roads.

      • Maarten on September 18, 2024 at 17:30 pm

        It's not such a good tip, because it's certainly not "free parking" there: Diepenbrockstraat has been a parking permit area for some time now (paid parking is also allowed, the payment machine is a few streets away (for clarity and convenience?!) and visitors must be registered via the resident's permit) and parking attendants check daily.

    • Maarten on September 15, 2024 at 14:48 pm

      A parking permit is now in effect in Diepenbrockstraat.

    • Maarten on September 15, 2024 at 15:04 pm

      Visitors of residents with parking permits must even be reported. Daily checks are made by parking attendants. Fine around €70, that's expensive 'free parking'! Just don't do it.

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