Where can you park for free in Geleen?

Nina Geuskens
26 February 2024

Are you regularly found in the municipality of Sittard-Geleen? For example because you work in Sittard or because you like to go to the Geleen weekly market and buy delicious local specialties? Then it is of course useful to know where you can park cheaply or for free in Sittard and Geleen. In this blog we focus on the places where you can park cheaply and for free in Geleen.

Where can you park for free in Geleen?

Parking in Geleen in the Marktgarage is free for the first hour. After that, you only pay one euro per hour with a maximum rate of €5 daily. The exception to this rule is Saturday. In addition, you can park for free at the Lidl in Geleen. However, this parking lot is intended for customers of this supermarket.

A free parking lot can be found at the Glanerbrook swimming pool. This lot is a bit away from the center, but here you can park for free in Geleen. A second free parking lot is the Giesekoul. In the areas with blue zone you can park for free in Geleen for two hours, just like in blue zones of Heerlen en Weert also.

parking on the street loan

First two hours of parking free

In the centre of Geleen there are several places where you can park for free for the first two hours. For example, you can park your car at the Koningsplein (lower part near the Lidl), the Markt in front of the town hall and the parking lot at the Elisabethstraat. At these places you can park for free for the first two hours from Monday to Friday.

How does the first 2 hours of free parking work (in Geleen)?

If you want to park for free at Koningsplein, Markt or the parking lot on Elisabethstraat, how does the payment work? You can pay for parking either immediately with a ticket from the machine or afterwards using a parking app. You can read exactly how this works below:

Pay by machine

If you want to park at one of the above locations, you can buy a ticket in advance at the machine, just like at the parking lots of Venlo. With this parking ticket you can park for free for a maximum of 2 hours from Monday to Friday. If you want to park for longer than two hours, you can indicate this at the parking machine. After the first two hours, the standard rate of € 1,90 per hour applies. Payment can be made by debit card or cash.

Pay via the parking app

Nowadays, more and more people use a parking app to pay their parking costs. This is also possible at the above-mentioned parking facilities. The nice thing about the parking app is that you only have to pay afterwards and therefore do not have to estimate in advance how long you will be gone. So you can stay in Geleen as long as you want. Do you want to use this application to use the first 2 hours of free parking on the Koningsplein, the Markt or the parking lot on the Elisabethstraat? Then you can use the app as usual. Turn it on via the provider as soon as you have parked. The zone numbers are as follows:

  • Parking lot Koningsplein: 20770
  • Parking lot Markt: 20780
  • Parking lot Elisabethstraat: 20790

Paid parking in Geleen Center

Do you want to park your car in Geleen on the street or in a public parking lot? Then you pay an average of €1.90 per hour. The maximum daily rate for parking on the street has been abolished as of January 1, 2021. In these places you pay at a parking meter or online via a parking app. You can also park your car in the Albert Heijn parking lot on the Rijksweg Zuid. Here you pay €2 per hour. Also want to know where you can park cheaply in Roermond? Then click here!

Which parking lots are there in Geleen?

If you want to park your car more safely or longer in Geleen, parking lots are a better option than parking on the street. In Geleen you will find the following well-known parking lots:

  • Elizabeth Street
  • Martin Luther King Square
  • Koningsplein
  • Markt
  • Old Maastrichterweg

You can park for free in these parking lots on Sundays and public holidays.

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