Can I rent a car for less than a full day?
At Adrem Autoverhuur Limburg you can rent a car or van from half a day. Also on Saturdays. Why should you pay a whole day's rent if you only need the car or van for a few hours?
What is a half day?
A half day is a morning (9.00:13.00-13.00:17.00), afternoon (17.00:9.00-XNUMX:XNUMX) or evening (XNUMX:XNUMX until the next morning XNUMX:XNUMX). Renting for a half day is possible from Monday to Saturday. All our branches are closed on Sundays.
You can rent a car or van on Sundays, but only for a day or longer. If you rent a car for Sunday, you can pick it up on Saturday at 17.00pm and return it on Monday at 9.00am. You can also return it earlier - then you park the car or van on the street and you can throw the keys in a key safe.
You can spend half a day can also be combined with individual days.
Rent per hour
Do you want to rent a car or van for a period other than a morning, afternoon or evening? You can also rent per hour with us. Renting per hour is only possible during our opening hours on the same day as your reservation, and therefore renting per hour is not possible via our online reservation system. For rates and reservations, call 043 – 352 11 00.
When to rent a half day?
You can probably think of enough situations yourself in which you only need a car or van for a short time. Think of an appointment, moving a refrigerator or transporting a heavy piece of furniture.
Usually it is not a problem to extend the rental period when renting for a half day, but it can happen that your car or bus is already reserved by someone for a later time. It is therefore important that you estimate well how long you need the car or bus.
How much do I save by renting for half a day?
Renting for a half day can make a difference in the rent you pay for your rental car or van when we compare it to the daily rate. How much you save exactly, of course, varies per vehicle. With a car, your advantage can be up to 5 euros. With a van, you can save up to 10 euros.
Do you only have a car for a morning, afternoon or evening? bus in the Stein region needed? Why would you pay for a whole day? Rent for a half day and save on your rental costs.
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