Parking fines and parking tickets
You are parked illegally. Either you did not buy a parking ticket or it has expired. When you return to your car, you find a ticket on your windshield. Annoying. But you can always appeal.
Parking violations
There are actually two categories of illegal parking. The first is standing still or parking where it is not allowed. We then speak of a (traffic) violation.
- a street where parking is prohibited
- in public green areas (verge, park, etc.)
- in a blue zone without a parking disc
- on the roadway (double parking)
- on the sidewalk or a bicycle lane
- along a solid yellow line (parking)
- along a broken yellow line (standing still)
In the above cases, the fine is 90 euros. Unless you cause serious inconvenience or possible danger, for example by parking at an intersection. Then the fine is even 140 euros. You pay the fine, plus 9 euros administration costs, to the Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJIB).
Parking in a disabled parking space is considered a serious traffic violation. That is why you will receive an even higher fine. Namely 370 euros. That also applies to standing still. Even when there is someone else in the car, you have the engine running and the hazard lights on.
Attention! In case of obstructive or dangerous parking and standing in a disabled parking space, your vehicle can be towed. In addition to the fine, you will then be responsible for the towing costs!
No or invalid ticket
In some places you have to pay to park. If you do not pay or pay too little parking fee, you can end up with a fine. (Read: if you do not buy a ticket or your ticket has expired.) This is in fact not an offence for which a fine is imposed, but a surcharge of the municipal parking tax. Please note that this surcharge is higher than the original parking fee due.
To object
If you think you have been unfairly fined or fined, you can file an objection. This is called 'appealing'. Of course, you must have a good reason (grounds for appeal).
To object to a traffic fine imposed by the CJIB, you must contact the public prosecutor. Do you disagree with his decision? You can always appeal (to a higher court). You do this successively with the subdistrict court and the court of appeal.
Do you disagree with a parking ticket (additional parking tax assessment)? Then you can file an objection with the director of municipal taxes. If you disagree with his decision, you can appeal to the tax chamber of the Court of Appeal.
Have you ever received a parking ticket or fine? Where and for what? Did you (successfully) appeal at the time? Let our followers know in a comment!
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