Passenger bus in quarantine
Since the corona crisis, passenger buses have fallen out of favor.
Logical. Who would sit in a van with 9 people packed tightly together? What was completely normal 4 weeks ago now suddenly seems a long time ago.
Renting one passenger bus in the Susteren region We are therefore not offering it for the time being.
All passenger buses are in quarantine with us.
We have thought about whether they should be homeschooled, but we are not going to do that. Our passenger buses have been trained from a young age to do so without protest or discrimination, regardless of who they have to transport.
Because imagine: one day you're driving kids to a bowling alley for a birthday party, the next day a bunch of doctors to a medical conference, the weekend after that a bunch of hooligans to a soccer game. You have to love a lot of different people to keep up with that job.
Passenger buses are not available now, vans are still a few.
You can transport all kinds of things with it (except people, of course).
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