Personal license plate

Frits Pieper
05 dec 2016

It is almost election time and it is especially important for government parties to polish up their tarnished reputation.

The VVD advocates, in addition to lower motor vehicle tax and lower BPM, a personal license plate. In Germany, where you often see a combination of initials and date of birth, that is the most normal thing in the world. But in Germany, license plates are personal, while in the Netherlands they are linked to the car.

If this is a personal license plate, you will have to screw the original back on when you sell the car. Otherwise someone else will drive around with your license plate '2FAST4YOU'.

If you could choose a license plate yourself, which one would you want?

1 reaction

  1. on June 12, 2017 at 12:23

    Purely for 'pimping' your car. I understand that it is a nice/personal accessory for your car but 2000 euros? Then I would rather go for the slightly more luxurious version of the car 😉

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