3 swings is never enough

Frits Pieper
08 dec 2022

Mid 70's.

Seesaws do not yet exist.

Trampolines are only found in amusement parks, not in your backyard.


In our backyard there is a huge cherry tree. Every year huge dark red sweet cherries hang from it.


To entice us to play outside, my father hangs a swing from one of the branches.

I love that. Swinging, the higher, the better. Swinging so hard that your feet touch other branches.


My sister also loves the swing.

And my little brother too.

And the boy next door too.


So that will be a fight. And not a small one either.

When no one is looking, I just pull my brother off the swing.

I can swing again.


But of course, my brother reports my action to my father.

So my father hangs another swing in the tree. And another.


But that doesn't help.


One swing remains the most popular. It swings the best.

Everyone wants that.


So more swings was not a solution.


Then what?


Actually very simple: divide the swing time on the most popular swing with swing time on the other swings.


In this way we try to distribute the most popular cars among people who want to rent a car.


The busiest moving day is the Saturday of the month. That's when everyone wants to move.


Of course we can buy more and more buses.

That doesn't solve anything: at some point you will have enough buses that are only rented out on Saturdays and are idle the rest of the week.


Would you like to experience how we solve this? Call us, and tell us when you want to move. We will make sure that happens, without you having to argue with all the other people who also want to move on that day.

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