Moving – what do you need to think about?
Moving involves a lot more than just dragging your stuff from A to B. You have to think about everything, arrange a lot and also inform various people and agencies.
The checklist below will help you make sure you think of everything.
- Cancel GWE and internet/telephony. Don't forget to cancel your gas, water and electricity, and also your telephone and internet subscription, in time or have them moved. A move is also the time to possibly switch to a new supplier/provider.
- Update insurance. There are various insurances that relate to your home, such as your building insurance and contents insurance. You need to update these insurances. In addition, you need to report a change of address to, for example, your health insurer.
- Inform other persons, companies and institutions. Only when you move do you find out how many people, companies and institutions you have to deal with. Your bank, health insurer, GP, chemist, dentist, your children's school...
TIP! Use the Moving Service and your move will be reported to all major companies and all your mail will be forwarded to your new address for a certain period.
- Spring cleaning. People are real collectors and often have a hard time parting with things. Even if they need them. Well before you actually move, have a big clean-up and throw away/give away or sell all the things you no longer use. You don't have to drag everything you throw away with you. This will also save you on your transport costs.
- Arrange a moving company or moving transport. We don't expect you to forget this, but it is a good idea to think early on about whether you are going to move yourself or leave the move to a removal company.
If you hire a professional mover, it is best to request multiple quotes from different moving companies in good time. If you decide to move yourself, you should start looking for the most suitable moving transport in good time.
For most removals, a van is the ideal means of transport. The largest van can hold a complete inventory, and even if you have to drive back and forth twice, it is much cheaper than renting a truck. For the latter, you also need a truck driving license (large driving license), while you can drive a van 'normally' with your car driving license.
At Adrem Car rental Limburg you can choose from various sizes of vans, suitable for small and large removals, and each can be rented for an hour to one or more days. Do you want more information about moving? Then take a look at our checklist for preparing for a move. Also read our tips on a moving refrigerator.
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