When will hydrogen cars be available?

Frits Pieper
14 July 2018

Hybrid and fully electric cars are on the rise. Will we all be driving electric in 2030, when petrol and diesel cars are no longer allowed to be sold? That remains to be seen. Because there is another 'alternative' energy source for the car: hydrogen.

Experts believe that in the long term, the electric car will have to lose out to the hydrogen car, or fuel cell car. Hydrogen cars also run on electricity, only this is not supplied by a battery, but by a fuel cell. In this cell, water is converted into electricity, which feeds the electric motor.


Unlike an electric car, you don't need to charge a hydrogen car. Just like petrol and diesel, you can simply fill up with hydrogen. A litre of hydrogen will also take you twice as far as a litre of petrol or diesel. Although that doesn't matter to the environment, because hydrogen is a 100% sustainable and clean fuel. The only thing the car emits is hydrogen vapour.

History of hydrogen car

The hydrogen car has existed as a prototype since the nineties. In 2007, the first hydrogen car was put into production: the Honda FCX Clarity, which was only available in the US. Up until now, seven hydrogen cars have been launched on the market. In the Netherlands, several models from Toyota and Hyundai are already driving around. Audi, BMW and Lexus will present their hydrogen cars around 2020. Honda and Mercedes probably even earlier. While these brands are specifically working on the development of a hydrogen car, almost all major car brands are researching the technology.

16 hydrogen filling stations added in 2018

Although the Netherlands is a leader in electric cars, we are lagging behind when it comes to hydrogen cars. But that will change soon, because sixteen hydrogen filling stations are to be built in the Netherlands this year. The abolition of petrol and diesel cars in 2030 will only further stimulate the development of the hydrogen car. By that time, the hydrogen car will be just as 'normal' as the electric car.

At Adrem no hydrogen for the time being if you have a rent a car in the Geleen region...


  1. Van der Steen Hubert on October 4, 2019 at 01:27 PM

    In 2018, Mercedes published an extensive report
    made about the GLC F-cell.
    The car would only be available through leasing.
    What are the current prospects in Belgium?
    Kind regards, Vd Steen Hubert

    • Frits Pieper on October 4, 2019 at 08:16 PM

      Dear Hubert,
      On egear.be you can find information about hydrogen cars in Belgium: https://www.egear.be/waterstofauto/

    • nerd on April 11, 2020 at 10:21 am

      car does not emit 'hydrogen vapour' but, water vapour. hydrogen reacts with oxygen in air and forms water.

  2. Henk on November 15, 2021 at 22:02 PM

    Me, too

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