What?!? No more discount?
Is it that late already? The morning has flown by.
Nice to be able to cross off a lot of things on my to-do list.
I'm starting to get hungry now.
Luckily there is a supermarket around the corner, where they sell sandwiches at lunchtime. And where you can get fresh orange juice. Healthy!
I walk there quickly.
The sandwiches aren't finished yet, there's even still something to choose from. Quickly fill a bottle of juice, and go to the cash register.
"That's not going to happen!" says the girl behind the counter. "The lunch offer is only valid from 12:00 to 14:00. It's 14:05 now, so the lunch discount is no longer valid."
“Huh?” I say, surprised.
At least, I thought I sounded surprised, but the girl behind the plexiglass flinches. Apparently I sounded angrier than I thought.
I had no idea what the lunch discount entailed, but I was no longer entitled to it.
That's lame.
“What's the lunch discount then?” I asked.
"That you get the orange juice for free."
'Then I'm being ripped off here. No free orange juice' I wanted to say. But that wasn't nice. The cashier was just doing her job behind the plexiglass - there was no reason to upset her.
Quite crazy about the supermarket's marketing team.
Who comes up with an action that only lasts two hours?
Hard workers like me (sometimes) get screwed.
Rare action.
If you're quick, you can still get one for tomorrow car in the Urmond region rent. You can pick it up this afternoon and don't have to return it until Friday at 9:00.
You can also hand it in at 9:05.
For the rate of 1 day.
Let's not make a fuss about it.
So call quickly: 043-3521100 or reserve here.
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