What driving license do I need for a camper or caravan?

Frits Pieper
17 apr 2017

Can I drive a camper with my B driving licence? Or tow a caravan? Questions that many drivers are struggling with. And questions that are not always answered clearly. We create clarity.

Which driving license do you need to drive a camper or with a caravan, are of course two different questions. Yet the answers seem to be the same. In both cases it depends on the weight of the camper or caravan.


A camper is in most cases 'just' a (passenger) van. And for that applies that you are 'just' allowed to drive it with your driving license B. Provided:

  • The camper does not weigh more than 3.500 kg;
  • The camper has no more than 8 seats (excluding driver).

A camper that is heavier than 3.500 kg is legally a truck. And for that you need a truck driving license (C/C1).

A camper with more than eight seats is legally a bus. You may only drive one with a bus driving license (D/D1).


The same rules apply to a caravan as to a trailer or semi-trailer.

With a B driving licence you are allowed to tow a caravan of:

  • maximum 750 kg;
  • more than 750 kg, provided that the total weight of the car plus caravan does not exceed 3.500 kg. (Equal to the maximum weight of a camper that you are allowed to drive with a B driving licence.)

By the weight of the caravan we always mean the empty weight (the weight of the caravan itself) plus the loading capacity.

With a B+ driving licence (code 96) you are in principle allowed to tow any weight of caravan, provided that the total weight of the towing vehicle plus the caravan does not exceed 4.250 kg.

With a 'new' BE driving licence (obtained after 19 January 2013) you are allowed to tow a caravan of up to 3.500 kg. Did you obtain your BE driving licence before that date? Then in principle there are no limits set on the maximum weight of the caravan. Note that not every car and tow bar is suitable for towing a heavy caravan!

Have you ever been on holiday with a camper or caravan? What are your experiences? Do you have any practical tips for our readers?

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