Here's how to make sure your winter car ride is smooth!
Winter is just around the corner. Of course, you can count on Adrem Autoverhuur Limburg to prepare your rental car for winter. However, it is good to be aware of a few things if you want to prevent and fix breakdowns and other 'winter' problems with your rental car.
Frozen doors and handbrake 
Who doesn't know the problem? It has frozen solid during the night and when you want to get into your car in the morning, the door is stuck. Instead of pulling on it, you can push against the door to – literally – break the ice. In emergencies, window de-icer offers a solution.
In winter, don't pull your handbrake all the way, so that you can pull it a little tighter to break the ice. If that doesn't work, there's nothing else to do but turn the heating up to the highest setting and wait until the handbrake has thawed. Prevention is of course better than cure; in winter, it's better to leave your car in park or gear - one or reverse - instead of using your handbrake.
Frozen locks
For frozen locks, there are all sorts of home-garden-and-kitchen solutions. You can heat the tip of your car keys with a lighter or hold a freezer bag filled with warm water against your lock. A bag of warm water also helps with frozen windshield washers. A heat compress (hot-cold pack) can also provide a solution.
If you have a power outlet nearby, you can also use a hairdryer. Be careful with this; don't use the hairdryer at its highest setting, don't aim it at one spot for too long, and don't hold it too close. This can damage your paintwork, and your windows can crack due to excessive temperature differences.
The best thing to do is to simply buy a bottle of lock de-icer. (Tip: don't keep it in the car of course!)
Safe on the road in winter
In order to see and be seen well, it is important to clear snow and ice from all your lights in addition to all your windows on dark winter mornings. Set the heating to the warmest and highest setting immediately, and aim the blower at your windshield. This prevents it from misting up while driving and you still can't see anything.
In case of heavy snowfall, you must clear your entire car of snow. The snow on your car can suddenly blow away while driving, which can be dangerous for yourself and others. This can even result in a fine. You can also get a fine if your license plate is illegible.
In the snow, pull away in second gear. This gives you more grip. Release the clutch gently and do not accelerate too much. If the road is slippery due to snow or ice, you will of course adjust your driving behaviour accordingly. Adjust your speed – especially in bends – and keep more distance to the vehicle in front. This will prevent you from having to brake abruptly and (skidding).
Skid course
If you drive a lot in winter conditions, for example because you go on a winter sports holiday every year, it might be a good idea to take a grip and skid course. You will learn how to prevent a skid and how to act if you do end up in a skid.
If you have taken a skid course with the ANWB (and you can prove this when concluding your rental agreement), you will receive a 5% discount on the rental amount for your car from December to January!*
* Ask about the conditions.
Read more about safe car driving in traffic.
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