Boxer test
Our dog Bennie is a boxer. Well, dog. Troublemaker is a better word.
There is a so-called boxer test circulating on the internet. If you do not have a nervous breakdown after reading the test, you are advised to safely take a boxer as a pet.
The boxer test was printed out and hung in our kitchen for years. Fun for visitors, and fun for ourselves when the 'pet' made a mess of things again.
For your idea, a paragraph from the boxer test:
Forget the luxury BMW and buy a station wagon. Buy some cookies and some bones. Crush the cookies, on the upholstery of the seats and also in the trunk. Throw the bones loose in the car. Go to the hairdresser and ask if you can take the floor waste from the past week. Sprinkle this in large quantities in the car over the upholstery. Now make a few nice prints on the upholstery with mud. Now make some scratches on the outside of the car with a rake. There, perfect!
For this reason, I have always been strongly opposed to renters bringing a dog in their rental car. Or worse: a cat. Have you ever had to vacuum a car after a dog or cat had been in it? The millions of *@#hairs can still be found months later…
Or this paragraph from the boxer test (note, from the pre-corona era):
When visitors come in, have them sit on the couch. Immediately throw a 30kg bag of potatoes on their lap and rub their face several times with a wet sponge.
If you can handle the mess a boxer makes, they are absolutely lovely dogs. And it has to be said: they are totally unsuitable for taking along in the car.
So if you do NOT have or want to bring a dog, feel free to rent one car in the Echt region!
You can reserve one here:
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